
How To Change From I/o To Outboard Motor

  1. captainstogie
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    captainstogie Inferior Member

    I am considering converting my i/o to an outboard.
    Boat: 1990 Rinker 28 ft Fiesta Vee 250
    Engine: 5.7 Liter V8 Mercruiser 230 hp

    I have found a boatyard that volition pull it re drinking glass the hole in the transom, which is beneath the waterline. He showed me another boat he is doing this with and it looks very well washed. There is another shop that volition pull the engine for me relatively cheaply. And then now I will have a solid boat with no power. What is the process for mounting o/b. I had originally thought well-nigh going with twin counter rotating screws, merely that may be too much coin for this gunkhole. How large of a single o/b can I mount, what does it take to mount information technology, and what are the potential problems I am probable to incur?

    Reason for doing this is the gunkhole must stay in the water and the maintanence on it is a killer. Information technology is located in the Laguna Madre area of the Texas coast which boasts the highest salinity rate second just to the Dead Sea!

    Any info would exist profoundly appreciated. Also whatever names of manufacturers of brackets and the like I am likely to find useful.

  2. dereksireci
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    dereksireci Senior Fellow member

    Bracket Mounted Outboard

    The kickoff issue to consider is how much radius does the transom take? A lot of radius does not lend itself well to certain types of outboard engine brackets. I would wait at an Armstrong or Stainless outboard bracket. Salt Shaker used to make a fiberglass subclass but I don't know if they're still available. If you can't afford twins then I remember 250 hp for a 28' gunkhole unless it'due south existent light. I used to run a 26' Edgewater and the Yamaha 250 two stroke pushed it pretty well, simply sometimes we wished we had twins.

    Since your transom wasn't designed for all that weight to be hanging back there you may need to beef it upwardly some. Earlier y'all fix the outdrive hole, measure the thickness of the transom and note what kind of core is in there. Enquire the bracket manufacturer for advice on this as well every bit installation height.

  3. Corpus Skipper
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    Corpus Skipper Hopeless Boataholic

    Howdy captainstogie! I'd tend to concord with dereksireci, an Armstrong subclass would be the mode to wing. They'll work with just nigh whatsoever transom configuration. Your I/O was 230 hp, so 225-235 hp outboard should fit the neb. Brand information technology a 4 stroke and it should be nearly as efficient equally your erstwhile I/O if not more and then with EFI. What do you lot intend to do with the "hole" left over from the one-time engine? I assume you want outboard so you can tilt the motor out of the h2o. Be aware that the motor may not clear the water completely if subclass mounted due to the weight existence further aft and causing the stern to settle a flake. Are you at Tropic Isles, Padre Isles, or a marina? Peradventure a lift would be a improve solution.
  4. yipster
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    yipster designer

    longtitudal centre of gravity will come backward and then move some weight frontward.
  5. captainstogie
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    captainstogie Junior Fellow member

    Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.
  6. captainstogie
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    captainstogie Inferior Member

    I'm getting a lot of very good communication. Glad I found this site. Give thanks yous.
  7. captainstogie
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    captainstogie Inferior Member

  8. Mick
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    Mick New Member


    Being a dreamer and not a boat designer and given my lack of experience with such things, for improve or worse I am left to my imagination. I'd like to ask a couple of questions which may help lead to another alternative solution.

    Since information technology will exist necessary to rebuild or reinforce the transom, why non make it a notched transom with a splashwell?

    If feasible, this would:
    1. Eliminate the cost of adding a motor subclass.
    2. Lessen the aftward movement of the longitudinal center of gravity.
    three. The careful positioning of the motor acme-wise might help ensure the motor is out of the water when fully tilted up.

    Does this sound similar a reasonable approach?

    This is my commencement post. I have been looking in for a while now and enjoy the knowledge and demeaner of the site. Yous've got a wonderful site going here!


  9. articman
    Joined: May 2004
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    articman New Member

    I converted my 24 pes body of water ray to a outboards. saved nigh 300 lbs in weight. installed twin 90's and bought my self some worry costless off shore travel.

    Used a D&D marine bracket, cost was less and afterward seeing an Armstrong Subclass the D&D has a full back in it.

    Yeah it changed the handeling of my boat, trim tabs took care of near of the issues, but getting the set upward was the hardest part. Do not permit your outboar dealer tell you lot what the setting above the bottom is, stay with what the supplier tells you.

    I went with 25 inch legs mounted 2 i/2 above the bottom, dealer said no, only after lots of trail and error we went back to the recommended set up and it piece of work good.

    This week we plan100 mile off shore trip, volition let you know aht we find .

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